Lesson Learnt

From thinking that not speaking to people about who I was and what I do I would still attract amazing clients and be fully booked, to hoping that a pretty picture will do the job. You can’t be naïve enough to think that people will immediately want to book you! For years my husband got frustrated with me because I literally wouldn’t talk about myself, I was insecure, and it felt pushy just speaking about my photography.

No matter how much he said it I kept my mouth shut out of insecurity. It took me a long time to be able to hold my own and speak about what I do, to get out there and go to events, to networking and spend time getting out of my own way to speak to people and even take a selfie and post it!!

I always felt like it was a bit “me,me,me” posting a photo of myself s that’s what I’d always been led to believe by others. But it’s not like that at all!! It’s about connection and familiarity with your audience.

Get out there and make connections, big yourself up, post those pictures and let’s get you showing up!! I know it’s hard getting out of your own way and owning your space, but you’ve got this!!

Stop lurking and start sharing.

You know you want to…


Using Canva for Social Media